Dividend Policy and Payment

ปรับปรุงเมื่อ: 22 ธ.ค. 2564 16:35

SET: BKS 6.00 บาท

% เปลี่ยนแปลง


ปริมาณซื้อขาย (หุ้น)

มูลค่าซื้อขาย (บาท)


Bangkok Asset Intergroup Public Company Limited

(“the Company”) has a policy to pay dividends to shareholders at a rate of not less than 50% of the net profit from the separate financial statements after deducting corporate income tax and all statutory reserves as prescribed by law and the Company’s Articles of Association. However, the Board of Directors may consider paying dividends or changing the dividend policy by considering the Company’s operating results, financial position, cash flows, necessity for working capital to manage the business, investment plans for future business expansion, obligations under loan agreement conditions, and other factors as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors. The Company’s annual dividend payment must be approved by the shareholders’ meeting, except for interim dividend payments, which the Board of Directors may approve on a case-by-case basis if the Company has sufficient profits to do so. The Company will report such interim dividend payments to the shareholders at the next meeting. In any case, the Company’s dividend payments must not violate or contradict legal requirements.

Interim Dividend Announcement

Interim Dividend Payment 1/2024

Interim Dividend Payment 2/2024

Interim Dividend Payment 3/2024